I Think I've Done It!

Hello Reader,

After months spent in the studio, today I finished my seventh (and last) video for my digital doll course. I don't know if you've ever recorded yourself on video, but I learned a few things: I stutter, I overuse the words wanna, gonna, kinda WAY too much, and it will take a really long time to become comfortable hearing my own recorded voice.

Moments ago, I uploaded the course to my Etsy store. I feel like I've really accomplished something. Every step was a challenge.

So if you're so inclined to make a cloth doll, check it out. Determining a cost for the course took a bit of time, so I hope it's not prohibitive.

If the Etsy link above doesn't work, you can get there via my website, which describes the course, learning objectives, etc.: http://www.blueherondolls.com/enigma_online.html

Tomorrow's my birthday, so we're headed out of town for a couple days. I feel like a weight has been lifted. On to the next challenge!

Deanna Hogan

Deanna Hogan, Blue Heron Dolls

Doll Artist and Teacher: Preserving the art of making dolls and Artist Member of the Original Doll Artist Council of America (ODACA).

Read more from Deanna Hogan, Blue Heron Dolls

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