Ready to Switch Gears

Hello Reader,

I have one course sample doll that need to be completed. All that's left is hair, and I need to make some choices here. Do I go with Tibetan lamb like the others, or use the beautiful wool yarn I like so much? She looks a little serious in this photo, so hopefully hair , whichever I choose, will soften her expression.

Originally I had two sample dolls for the course, videotaping each step (or so I thought). Turns out I large part of the costuming/dressing module was NOT recording, so I had to sew ANOTHER doll. Frustrating, but the silver lining is that I'll have one more doll for the ODACA Sale this summer.

One she's done, I look forward to switching it up and making a different doll - maybe Viola Ruth, or the multi-jointed Averill

But first, my studio needs some serious cleanup and organization. It's a small space, and and there's always a bit of mayhem after each project (and Enigma has been a big one!)

In January I made preparations for the UFDC Convention/ODACA Day this summer in Kansas City. I purchased airline tickets, made hotel reservations, kennel reservations, and airport parking reservations. Last year I procrastinated the hotel reservations (in Bellevue Washington) and ended up paying a small fortune for the room. Not doing that again!

I hope there are some of you who have the means to travel to the convention. I love meeting people with whom I've only corresponded on the Internet. And of course, seeing everyone's dolls in person is inspiring.

FYI: ODACA is always looking forward to collectors and fans of art dolls to apply for ODACA Patron membership. The organization wouldn't survive without these supporters.


Enigma Online Cloth Doll Course

The step-by-step tutorial and supplemental videos will teach you how to make an all-cloth Enigma doll (and clothing) at... Read more

Deanna Hogan

Deanna Hogan, Blue Heron Dolls

Doll Artist and Teacher: Preserving the art of making dolls and Artist Member of the Original Doll Artist Council of America (ODACA).

Read more from Deanna Hogan, Blue Heron Dolls

Hello Reader, It's down to the wire now, as ODACA Day is fast approaching. I've selected the dolls traveling to Kansas City, and have begun tagging and carefully wrapping them in tissue paper and bubble wrap. I'm more fortunate than some of my fellow doll makers, as my dolls are primarily cloth. Those who make porcelains or sculpt in the polymer clays have a more precarious job of it. ODACA Day is under the umbrella of the annual UFDC Conference. ODACA's theme this year is "All That...

Hello Reader, I'm making slow but steady progress on my schoolgirl doll, and the end is almost in sight. I'd decided on dressing her in a school uniform, with a plaid pleated skirt. I don't have much experience making pleats, so as I worked out the process I decided to create another quick tutorial for you: Pleater Board Tutorial Maisie Now I'm nearly finished with her jacket. And honestly, those tiny lapels really threw me for a loop! I'm also hoping to include some some sort of school...

Hello Reader, As the weather improves, I've been spending more time outdoors - gardening, walking our dog, riding my new bicycle. But I've also been whittling away at a doll - you may have seen her not-yet-assembled body parts in my last newsletter. Once I added her hair, I envisioned her character: a schoolgirl in a uniform - button down oxford shirt, jacket, pleated skirt, etc. As I contemplated how to design her shirt, I thought it might be a good idea to take photos of my process and...